Our 5 favourite coconut oil recipes
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Our 5 favourite coconut oil recipes
As you probably already know (seeing as we just can’t stop talking about it) we coconut-crazy people at CocoMojo have started making our very own coconut oil!
If you’ve never even heard of the stuff, check out our post on the 5 different ways it can be used to get yourself acquainted. If you’ve got your jar and can’t wait to get cracking, you need to check out these recipes.
Vegan Carrot Cupcakes
We love Natasha Corrett, author of the Honestly Healthy cookbooks, for her super healthy but extremely tasty recipes – and this one looks like it will live up to the rest! This recipe for vegan carrot cupcakes is from the Honestly Healthy website.
Quinoa Instant Porridge
The Hemsley sisters are big names in the world of healthy eating, and have hundreds of recipes across the web and in their book “The Art of Eating Well” to help you treat your body like a temple. We love this quinoa instant porridge, which uses 8 tablespoons of coconut oil!
Sweet potatoes roasted in coconut oil
If you love food as much as we do, Food52 should definitely be on your radar, that’s where we found this gorgeous sweet potato recipe! The flavour combination of sweet potato and coconut oil is one you just have to try.
Coconut Milk Caramels
These coconut milk caramels from Saveur look absolutely mouth-watering, don’t they? We’d make them for a dinner party and have guests unwrap them with coffee after dessert! If you can’t get your hands on corn syrup, you can substitute it with honey.
Coconut Doughnuts
We love the effect that the desiccated coconut coating on these doughnuts have, don’t they look special? The recipe for these coconut doughnuts can be found on the epicurious website.
There you have it, our 5 favourite recipes that use coconut oil. If we’ve missed your favourite coconut oil recipe, why not let us know on Twitter? We’d love to hear from you.
Oh – and don’t forget to pick up a jar of CocoMojo CocoOil!
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